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Friday, February 5, 2016

Making stories come to life with toys

Make your kiddos favorite story come to life with a few props. It's easy peasy and fun.

Get a book - any book will do! Leaf through the book and see some key characters or setting. Gather up some toys. Not too many as it will be overwhelming.

Read the story together - great bonding time. During this stage, the child is hearing the words, hearing the story, hearing new vocabulary, understanding that letters make up words, and phonics.

Then say, let's play the story. Your child may recall the highlights of the story and Make up their own version. Their verbal skills are improving. They are retelling a story, showing comprehension. They are using their imagination.

Make stories come alive!

I have been a busy bee. I have been juggling working full time and family, as well as making 9 (yes, 9!) playscapes so far this week, plus shipping out orders. It's a crazy busy life but I love it. I have a VERY supportive and encouraging husband - THAT makes all the difference in the world!

Have a fun and playful day

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